Wednesday 25 January 2012

Feeding Kids After School...

Like so many other moms, I have super hungry kids that come in the door every day after school.
They are hungry and want to eat.
No if, ands for buts.
I see it as an opportunity to feed them something that will really nourish their bodies.
{Below~fruit plate with a yogurt dip}
 My son takes a packed lunch to school and usually eats all of it.
Since he attends a sports academy for school, his school day includes lots of physical activity and he comes home ready for another meal.
My daughter is in High School.
She used to take  a packed lunch, but this year although I pack something for her, she chooses not to take it.
This does not make me happy, but I can't force her.
What I can do is make sure that there are healthy & nourishing things ready and on the table for when she gets home.
All my children have to do is wash their hands and sit down.
I call it the '3 o'clock special'.
Of course, I could let them rummage around the pantry for whatever they want...but I am home and I can really shore up a healthy diet for them by offering/making great food available.
{Below~spicy tzatziki with carrots and naan bread wedges}

 There are 3 days a week that one or both children have sports activities around dinnertime.
So instead of feeding them a snack....hoping it will hold them over until them get home after their sports practice...I just go ahead and feed them supper at 3 o'clock.
This makes sense for so many reasons....the first of which is it satisfys their hunger right away.
I know they are eating healthy doses of fresh fruits and vegetables...especially during cold & flu season.
And when they get home from practice, they only need a light snack.
And I am not left cleaning up the kitchen at 8 o'clock at night after a late supper.
On this particular day, I served my homemade Italian Wedding Soup along with a fruit tray, a veggie tray and rolls.
I usually eat with them, and I put the leftovers in the fridge for hubby...who meets the children at their  sports practice and brings them home.
Then while hubby eats supper, the children eat their snack with him at the table.
The other 4 nights, we eat supper as a family together.
 I have found that this is the best plan that works for our family.
And the kids are really happy to eat a meal when they get home from seems to be their 'hungriest' time.
Even if I worked outside the home, I would still try to have a fruit or veggie tray in the fridge and ready for them to eat. And homemade soup ready to heat up.
This {below}was the '3 o'clock' special yesterday....crab cakes, a spinach salad, whole wheat pasta with olive oil, garlic and tomatoes, and fresh pineapple spears.
This meal was also a bonus because there was enough spinach salad and pasta left for today.
We really try to avoid the trap of drive-thrus and fast food.
And what really helps a healthy meal happen is menu planning on Sunday for the week.
Planning. Planning. Planning.
It is so important!

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